Write for us
As a leading publisher of film books, we are continually looking for talented authors with experience in any area of industry.
We are particularly interested in books that empower the reader: make them better writers, directors, creators. Lately we’ve published film books that are informed by other disciplines such as mythology (Writer’s Journey), psychology (Psychology for Screenwriters), shamanic initiations (Deep Cinema), etc. These books are not only used by the creative community but also crossover into other disciplines.
Our books are also known for their easy-to-read accessibility and informal writing style.
We do not publish traditional academic books (although our books are used extensively in university courses). Our books are “how to” oriented and share with the reader how to accomplish something.
If you feel your book fits this criteria and could contribute to our book line then please contact us, using the website contact form.
Make sure you tell us:
- Your name
- Your experience
- Book’s title, table of contents, sample chapter
- A list of other similar competitive books and why yours is different/better.
- Contact details, including phone number
Before you contact us, please download our factsheet for new authors.
We will contact you shortly after we’ve received your proposal.
Thank you.