Pablo Amaringo’s Vision

Almost exactly two months ago, my wife and I, and Alberto Roman were in Pulcalpa Peru interviewing Pablo for a book and a film. When we first arrived and met him he was beaming with love and warmly welcomed us. To honor him, I presented him with a white Tibetan khata (scarf). He was delighted and even though it was 90 degrees outside he never took it off. Here is a transcription of one of the first things he said to us which gives us comfort in these hours since his passing. Clearly this was a prophetic dream.


“I got up very early today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, very happy, because I had a vision last night of… of… of some white light or white beings descending on me… and the fact that you gave me the khata reassures me of that. I saw people…lots of people… lots of beings. I felt like I was sitting on a throne, and was surrounded by all these beings. All these folks just come surround me by light and some sort of glory. At that moment I felt so happy and I gave a lot of thanks to the Diving Being… and I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I have been going since 4 o’clock in the morning because of that vision.

I am just so happy to have had that. In my dream, I felt very happy and well loved and embraced by this light and all these people and I am just very happy and I haven’t wanted to go back to sleep since then and that you’ve given this (khata) to me, I am finding it very special.”